The Alexander Technique can be of great benefit to anyone desiring to move more naturally. It is best learned and practiced with a certified teacher, but there are a wealth of online resources available as well. Instruction focuses on restoring natural balance, ease of movement, and flexibility, and often begins with a simple check-in. Can you feel any tension in your body? If so, where might you be carrying it? There are many ways to focus your attention on your body and the ways you are using it. There are also many practices for releasing whatever tension you might encounter. One important concept is called the “Primary Control”, and refers to the dynamic relationship between one’s head, neck, and back, which in turn has a profound impact on one’s entire body and its movements. Peruse the videos below for information about and demonstrations of the Alexander Technique, or click here for a list of relevant publications.


Getting acquainted with the Alexander Technique.


Helpful examples of Alexander Technique lessons and practices.

for Musicians

Specific applications of the Alexander Technique for musicians.