Being a conductor is kind of a hybrid profession because most fundamentally, it is being someone who is a coach, a trainer, an editor, a director. Michael Tilson Thomas

Rehearsals have been selected according to criteria that includes spoken English or subtitles, conductor effectiveness, instances of rehearsing (as opposed to simply “running”), and noteworthy musical priorities and rehearsal techniques. Annotations are listed in the order they occur in each rehearsal, and rely on Gunther Schuller’s “Seven Ears” (The Compleat Conductor, pp. 17-18) to indicate the musical issue(s) being rehearsed: harmony; pitch/intonation; dynamic; timbre; rhythm/articulation; balance/ orchestration; or line/continuity. Primary rehearsal techniques are abbreviated as follows: “V” - verbal; “NV” - nonverbal (i.e. gestural, facial expression, nodding, etc.); “S” - singing. This section is still a work in progress; rehearsals will continue to be added and annotated.

Do you have a favorite rehearsal video on YouTube? If so, suggest it here.